Add programs

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To add any of the built-in programs to the Application Editor canvas:

  • Go to the toolbar and click on the program to add:

    • Voyager drop-down: Pilot, Network, Matrix, Generation, Distribution, Fratar, Highway, Public Transport, Avenue and Analyst Drive programs.
    • CubePy program
    • Cargo drop-down: FineDistribution, LogisticNodes, ModeDistribution, Production, ServiceModel and VehicleModel program.
    • Land program
    • Legacy: Analyst and TrnBuild program
  • Right-click on the Application Editor canvas > Add > Program:

When selected the program will appear on the canvas:

You can move the program box as desired by clicking on it and dragging it anywhere on the canvas.

Editing a program:

  • Programs have a set of data boxes attached to it which define the input and output data files.
Note: Each program will have a Script file (.S) automatically added to it as an input (no program exists without a script file/control file). This file will be auto named and will be saved in the same folder as the application.

For more information on how to set up input and output files: Setup input Output files

  • The numbers on the boxes reflect the order in which the program will be run. This is called execution order. To change the order:
  1. Right-click on the program > Set Execution Order
  2. In the pop-up window assign the desired Execution order > OK

  • Right-click on the program box > Edit title to add a title to a program and later edit it as well.